Health benefits of organic food


Benefits of Organic Food


As the global population keeps on growing rapidly, the need for a more sustainable approach in food production becomes more obvious. Unsustainable farm practices gear somewhat towards higher yields but put additional pressure on natural resources which brings us back to why organic farming should be the way in the future ahead. The following are a few benefits of organic farming and organic food at large:


Organic Food Contains no Artificial Additives

Organic food is free from all kinds of artificial additives such as chemical pesticides, fertilizers, etc. Regular food produced using standard industrial techniques contains Sodium Benzoate or Potassium MetaBisulphate which is harmful to human health. On the other hand, organic food is beneficial for your health as it does not have any impurities and it is 100% natural. It is nutritious and helps your body get essential vitamins and minerals. It also greatly improves your immunity and immune responses. 


Organic Food is Free from Chemical Processing

Chemically processed foods contain and absurdly high amount of sugar, refined carbohydrates, and trans fats. These types of food are also likely to be rich in gluten and omega 6 fatty acids that lead to cholesterol and obesity. It may also lead to several coronary illnesses in serious cases. Few foods are also laced with chemicals such as BHT and BHA that may lead to heart-related disorders in the long run. Organic food, on the other hand, is free from all such chemicals used in processing. Organic food is 100% naturally processed only using the traditional methods in practice. 


Organic food is naturally sweet and nutritious

Chemically processed food contains an absurd level of artificial sugars such as Alitame and Aspartame or it may also be laced with saccharine. These are harmful to your digestive system and immunity at large. Organic food is free from such artificial components and is 100% naturally produced. There is no sweetener added to such organic produce. Such organic produce is also much richer in nutrition than regular counterparts. 


Organic Food is Not Genetic Modified or Engineered

Organic food is free of all genetic modifications. GMO or GE food are foods that are grown from hyper rewarding varieties of food crops. Their DNAs are altered in ways that cannot occur in nature or in traditional crossbreeding. Organic food is natural and healthier. It contains no nutated varieties and no chemical process is involved in the entire process right from sowing the seeds to packaging of the final organic produce.


Organic food is a Natural Choice for Children

Children have weak and developing immunity. As a parent, it is necessary that your child receives good nutrition through a well-balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, proteins and carbohydrates. However, regular food from the market is far less nutritious than you think. These food items are often chemically processed in agriculture units and artificially sweetened. Children should avoid such food as it can prove to be harmful to their immunity. Organic food is, however, free from all such harmful processes. You can ensure your child gets the exact nutrients required in a balanced diet by making this switch to organic food today. 

Organic food helps in the creation of jobs in rural areas

Growing organic food means practicing organic farming. This type of farming on average requires a higher labour input than conventional farming. This basically means more people work on the farm generating more employment. Since there is no chemical used to process organic food, it requires intensive labour. Organic farms also tend to bring in more profits, despite requiring more employees. 


Organic food supports biodiversity and conserves water

Organic food is grown in harmony with nature and organic farmers are custodians of biodiversity at all levels. Organic farmers continue to depend on maintaining healthy soil. Natural areas around organic farms create a sustainable habitat for various wild species of animals and plants alike. Organic farming keeps the ecosystem at balance and uses only 100% natural methods to produce high-quality organic produce. Organic food ALSO supports water conservation. It requires less water to grow. Farmers who grow organic food crops spend time mending the soil properties correctly. This helps prevent excess water loss from the soil and the produce is also 100% organic and healthy.


Organic farming can be profitable, and organic food appeals to consumers as both a healthy and ethical choice. Beyond money and ethics, though, organic farming practices result in numerous environmental benefits, the health benefits of organic food surpasses its value in a diet. You get only what you pay for when you are purchasing organic food. There is no impurity or chemical involved. It is safe and healthy for your entire family. It looks after your fitness and wellbeing and prevents any food-related disorder for you and your family.







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